How do you tell if you are a politically illiterate Conservative?

1) You are willing to forfeit Canada's Sovereignty to "get Trudeau out".
2) You either forgot, didn't know, or don't care that Conservatism is [read: 'was'] built on a foundation of civil libertarian principles.
3) You bitch and whine about Trudeau but never did any canvassing for Conservative candidates in the last federal election.
4) You are ok with the fact Scheer is complicit in the Muslim Invasion.
5) You are ok with the fact the CPC 'fired the auditors and cooked the books' to ensure that Bernier never won the last round of voting for the CPC leadership.
6) You are ok with the fact Scheer whipped the party into supporting the Paris Accord, in effect, 'pledging subservience' to a non-elected, non-democratic institution that is controlled, and in effect, owned and operated by globalist elites.
7) You really don't care that Scheer's immigration plan, outside of some different vocabulary, is virtually the same as Trudeau's.
9) It is ok that a Liberal institution, namely the Quebec Dairy Cartel supported Scheer and infiltrated the CPC.
10) You are ok with the fact Scheer rebuffed the only true news outlet that is not part of the Liberal funded DISINFORMATION APPARATUS.
11) You are ok with the fact Scheer relies heavily on focus groups, polls and 'experts' and really has NO ideas of his own and NO LEADERSHIP SKILLS!
12) You never 'fact-checked' any of the aforementioned statements but dismiss them never the less.

Andrew Scheer's agenda is nuanced in language, but similar to Justin Trudeau


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada of Maxime Bernier.

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