Saturday, May 7, 2022

They parachuted another Queen's Park Staffer, this one isn't a Mason

I don't even want to name her name, but Blair McCreadie, Irene Stewart, and Marshall Leslie have come up with a new candidate to run under the Doug Ford corruption.  The woman they named appears to be from Mississauga, as indicated on her LinkedIn profile.  They went with something safe, not a business or community leader from Parkdale-High Park.  

It goes to show corruption wins in the Ontario PC Party, and that Doug Ford's team are on high alert.  They let the Toronto Star inside their recent campaign kick-off event in Toronto, but journalists from the Toronto Sun, and Rebel News were not welcome.

Doug Ford is no conservative.

This west Toronto riding isn't in play, so let's play it safe and not embarrass anyone, let the Liberal-NDP dogfight go on without.  Expect that the campaign will tell PC candidates to skip all candidates debates for the playbook "meeting with our constituents of a made-up ratepayers group", and will be discussed and agreed upon at a board meeting of the party and campaign.  The riding presidents already have the game plan.

Doug Ford will tell you all sorts of nice things, tell you that you're all "folks" of his, when really he's considering a campaign of command-control state violence, and corporate welfare for his crony friends.  Don't go trying to exercise your freedom of speech, the streets aren't for the people.  Take that experimental jab the pharmaceutical companies getting rich off of you, and wear a mask or get arrested, and send your kids to be brainwashed at school; and that tax cut?  It's a bribe, Doug Ford wants to raise your taxes for his big brother social schemes he's cooked up with his friend Justin Trudeau. 

I wonder who that New Blue Party candidate is?  I'd like to try something and someone new on the right. 

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