Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What you are getting when you vote for one of Justin Trudeau's candidates in Pardale-High Park: Arif Virani

Tru-dope and the Lie-berals:

• The only PM in history to be found guilty of breaking Federal Ethics Laws, not just once but twice in just his first 4 year term
• Influences the AG office to abandon a criminal investigation into a Quebec corporation (SNC Lavalin)
• Publicly admonished a woman in Edmonton for saying the word “mankind” instead of “peoplekind.”
• Canadian Veterans asking for too much, but he can give $33 million to Afghan Vets
• avoided consultations with veterans after introducing a new program reducing pensions to disabled soldiers.
• The budget will balance itself. The 2016-17 budget was $17.8, now it won’t even begin to start until 2022.
• Ummm ummmm ummmm ummm.
• Unable to answer a direct question...ever
• says that Canada has no core identity.
• Obsession with Indian wedding clothes and Bollywood dancing.
• A virtue-signaling hypocrite
• Invites Jaspal Atwal, a Sikh extremist who was convicted and served five years in a Canadian jail for his role in the attempted murder of a visiting Indian cabinet minister, Malkiat Singh Sidhu
• Can’t get a trade deal done…with anyone.
• Can’t get a pipeline done…in any direction.
• Has to pay Union Members in Waterloo to stand by him as props during his election because no one will, another Ethics Code violation.
• Says that a proposed pipeline must consider “the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors” (what does that even mean???)
• Creepy sock fetish aimed at shallow millennials to make them think “he’s cool”
• More narcissistic selfies than a class of teenage girls.
• Replaces Canada’s old and outdated F-18s with Australia’s old and outdated F-18s.
• Railroads a Navy Vice-Admiral as a scapegoat in ship building contract breach, then refuses him any legal assistance (Norman case)
• Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane.
• Thinks we should thank Muslim refugees for moving to Canada.
• His love of all things Castro and all things Red China.
• Says he speaks for all Canadians about the remembrance of a Cuban Dictator
• Imposes tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia.
• Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments…except cement plants in Quebec.
• Millions in aid to Bombardier in Quebec
• Thinks old stock Canadians should be replaced.
• Thinks low-income families don’t don’t pay taxes.
• Chases foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague.
• Chases our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem… lest we forget.
• Brings in 10’s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”.
• Tweets out a welcome to 10’s of thousands more fake refugees from the US (even gets the RCMP to be their bellhops).
• All his fake refugees get better healthcare than Canadians do, while they put a strain on all our public services and contribute little.
• Continuously uses identity politics…then complains about identity politics.
• Spends $40 million fighting Canadian Vets in court to reduce benefits, but.....
• Pays $10.5 million to a convicted terrorist who murdered an unarmed army medic, AND......
• Pays another $31 million to 3 more Muslims from Syria, AND......
• Another $53 million to Venezuelan refugees....while 54% of Canadians live paycheck to paycheck!
• Forgot Alberta was a province.
• Called small business owners “tax cheats” while he sucks at the teat of a family trust fund.
• Taxes cow farts.
• Says only intolerant racists would ask questions about money spent on illegal immigrants.
• We have an equalization program but he gives half of it to just one province.
• Says “diversity is our greatest strength” but his divisiveness tears us apart.
• Screws up our trade relations with our most important trade partner because he failed to stop Chinese steel from flowing through to the states and he won’t give up supply management which hurts Canadian consumers.
• $8 million for a skating rink.
• $4.5 billion for a 65-year-old pipeline (and KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas)
• Billions added to the national debt.
• Fooled by the US into detaining a Chinese Business executive and thereby have them punish Canada in a trade war.
• The Kokanee groper.
• Says illegal migrants are just “irregular border crossers”.
• Gets India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first.
• Has compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and says they will be an extraordinary powerful voice for Canada.
• Fails to do anything to rescue a Canadian from being beheaded by Islamic Terrorists.
• However terrorists deserve to keep their Canadian citizenship.
• Thinks Canada is 100 years old instead of 150.
• Making life less affordable for the average Canadian.
• Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to the Clinton Foundation.
• Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to Hamas.
• Still gives foreign aid to China.
• Increasing the number of personal pronouns to 50.
• Outrage over fake racist attacks...but says nothing about real terrorist attacks.
• The Hijab hoax...and says nothing
• Takes a personal day for every pair of socks he owns.
• Sits like he has no balls…which is true…..
• ‘broken promise’ on electoral reform
• Screwed up a new Holocaust memorial in Ottawa — turns out they forgot to mention the Jews....on a plaque about the Holocaust.
• Flew the German flag for the Belgian King and Queen
• Spending $215,000 On A Vacation We All Paid For
• Pushed an opposition member through the crowd to hurry things along while elbowing another female member of parliament in the process. The Conservatives described it as “physical molestation.” The NDP member called it “assault.” Pundits coined it “Elbowgate”
• Is a snowboarding party boy who was “just not ready” for the burdens of leadership, as a stinging campaign ad once declared.
• Hired a nanny...under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program — before he became a vocal critic of it
• $89,000 raise for his ministers
• Waterloo union admits paying workers to be props at Trudeau election event
• His children’s nannies being paid for by taxpayers
• Smoked Marijuana After Becoming MP and before it was legalized
• Wants to keep the Senate because it’s to Quebec’s advantage
• Has been on record saying only Quebecers make the best PM’s
• Stupid and incompetent
• The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Watch Justin Trudeau run away from Sun News Network in 2012,
asking questions about involvement with Reviving Islamic Spirit

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