Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nazem Kadri traded by the Toronto Maple Leafs for someone who puts in 110% - No more Islamic indoctrination for this city!

For a brief moment, we focus on someone other than the nominated candidate for the Conservatives in Parkdale-High Park, Adam Pham.

Nazem Kadri deserves the bum's rush out of Toronto.  This could be good news for this lack lustre NHL team by sending us a player that gives 110%, not a reduced 80% to 90% because it's Ramadan.  If you need to ask someone else for permission to be allowed to do your job properly, then you are likely a part of a violent cult and need serious psychotherapy.

Golfing for Islamic terror, golfing being the only thing the Leafs are good at

Good riddance to bad rubbish!  Go practice golf somewhere else!  Ten years of you here in Toronto has simply been too long!


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

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