Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lord Conrad Black Of Crossharbour granted full pardon by US President Donald Trump

For a brief moment, we focus on someone other than the nominated candidate for the Conservatives in Parkdale-High Park, Adam Pham.

Once a respected media baron, always a media baron.  Lord Conrad Black of Crossharbour has been granted a full pardon By US President Donald Trump.  Black, 74, was convicted of fraud and obstructing justice in 2007 and jailed for more than three years in the US.

Lord Black famously denounced his Canadian citizenship in 2001, to obtain his peerage in the House of Lords having been opposed by the government of the day in Canada.  Black moved back to Canada following his release from a Florida state prison.  Now he can cross the border with impunity, being rich and all.

Lord Black always the silver tongued gentleman that he is, for writing a flattering book might have helped.  Writing a negative one definitely wouldn't have had the same outcome.

Trong một khoảnh khắc ngắn, chúng tôi tập trung vào một người khác ngoài ứng cử viên được đề cử cho Đảng Bảo thủ ở Parkdale-High Park, Adam Phạm.

Từng là một nam tước truyền thông được kính trọng, luôn luôn là một nam tước truyền thông. Lord Conrad Black của Crossharbour đã được Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump ân xá toàn bộ. Black, 74 tuổi, bị kết tội gian lận và cản trở công lý vào năm 2007 và bị bỏ tù hơn ba năm ở Mỹ.

Lord Black nổi tiếng đã tố cáo quyền công dân Canada của mình vào năm 2001, để có được sự chú ý của mình trong Hạ viện khi bị chính phủ Canada phản đối. Black chuyển trở lại Canada sau khi được thả từ một nhà tù ở bang Florida. Bây giờ anh ta có thể vượt biên mà không bị trừng phạt, giàu có và tất cả.

Lord Black luôn là một quý ông lưỡi bạc như anh ta, vì viết một cuốn sách tâng bốc có thể đã giúp ích. Viết một câu tiêu cực chắc chắn sẽ không có kết cục tương tự.


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.
How big is Trump's David Pecker?

David Pecker của Trump lớn đến mức nào?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

So-called Conservative MP Michelle Rempell supports the radical leftist LGBTQ+ agenda

Disgusting to say the least.  

But did you know that so-called Conservative MP Michelle Rempell (Calgary-Nose Hill) will block you if you disagree with her radical LGBTQ+ agenda?  The state should not be indoctrinating children into this sex cult, normalizing pedophilia.  State sponsored abuse of our children, be it on the CBC or government funded PRIDE parades need to end once and for all!

Besides the indoctrination happening to our youth, we shouldn't as a country to be finding new and innovative ways to import refugees, LGBTQ+ or not.  Sorry, we are all full and beyond capacity in our quotas.  We have no obligation to the unelected United Nations, we have been the world's patsy for far too long!  Stop dumping all your shit in our beautiful country.

Nhưng bạn có biết rằng cái gọi là nghị sĩ đảng Bảo thủ Michelle Rempell (Đồi Mũi tên Calgary) sẽ chặn bạn nếu bạn không đồng ý với chương trình nghị sự cấp tiến LGBTQ + của cô ấy? Nhà nước không nên truyền bá trẻ em vào giáo phái tình dục này, bình thường hóa nạn ấu dâm. Việc lạm dụng trẻ em của chúng ta được nhà nước bảo trợ, dù là trong CBC hay các cuộc diễu hành PRIDE do chính phủ tài trợ cần phải kết thúc một lần và mãi mãi!

Bên cạnh sự dạy dỗ đang xảy ra với giới trẻ của chúng ta, chúng ta không nên là một quốc gia đang tìm kiếm những cách thức mới và sáng tạo để nhập khẩu người tị nạn, LGBTQ + hay không. Xin lỗi, tất cả chúng tôi đều đã đầy và vượt quá khả năng trong hạn ngạch của mình. Chúng ta không có nghĩa vụ gì đối với Liên hợp quốc không được bầu chọn, chúng ta đã là kẻ chống đối thế giới quá lâu rồi! Đừng bỏ tất cả những thứ rác rưởi của bạn ở đất nước xinh đẹp của chúng tôi.


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Creeping Sharia within so-called Conservative movements

Look who's in the 'hood for an award photo-op
For a brief moment, we focus on someone other than the nominated candidate for the Conservatives in Parkdale-High Park, Adam Pham.

Adam Pham has no idea how close Paul Godfrey is to political Islam.  He is said to have Walied Soliman, in his personal rolodex and circle of influence and deceit.

Walied Soliman, a prominent Toronto lawyer and known Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer (from a family of well-to-do Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt.)  Soliman is not a born Canadian citizen and should be deported to his native Egypt with the rest of them when the USA, President Donald Trump officially lists this group as a terrorist entity.  We know the true reason, and intent for the Soliman family to take up roots in this once free and proud country.

The jihadi boys sporting #43
Adam Pham would probably ask if Walied Soliman actually has the pull to manipulate the media, look at his retarded looking sons posing for the tv cameras (or maybe one of his other brother's sons, we aren't entirely sure.)  Apparently the jihadi boys were obvious Leafs material for a camera cut to the audience between plays on this night.  The camera man must have been slipped a $20 bill.

Wonder who's managing the finances of the Nazem Khadri Foundation?  How much is being fed back to the Muslim Brotherhood in the process?

Now you're probably ready to say Adam, that we are being Islamophobic or racist against Walied Soliman, and Paul Godfrey is actually Mother Theresa.  These are all Marxist-Lenninst catch phrases aimed at shutting down any kind of free-opinion that's right of Stalin and are routinely levied against Canadians to shut down free speech and discussion.

Kaleed Rasheed
Mississauga East--Cooksville
Muslim Brotherhood MPP
Consider how things have changed since 9/11 in so called "Conservative" movements and where our country is headed for the worse.

Take for example Mississauga East, 1995 where Soliman said the riding wasn't winnable but went blue for two terms.  Not winnable for whom?  A fellow Muslim?

Fast-forward to 2018, low and behold there's Walied Soliman fronting a known Muslim Brotherhood supporter from Pakistan as the Ontario Progressive Conservatives' nominee.

Doug Ford, as leader never bothered to remove this Patrick Brown leftover as nominee, and is now sitting at Queen's Park as an MPP who has not only tweeted support, but spoke on the record of you guessed it, the Muslim Brotherhood!  Who's is this guy to speak for such a narrow minded self-interest group?

And Adam Pham was proud to have run along side a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist!

Kaleed Rasheed, Ontario MPP speaking in the legislature
in praise of a Muslim Brotherhood affiliated organization
The placement of Kaleed Rasheed is a thank you, a favour being returned to Soliman for the money that was laundered to pay off the debt of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives at the time of the 2015 Leadership Convention.  

Although there were many crooked nomination contests held under Brown, and to Ford's credit some of the candidates were replaced; but none who's creed was Muslim were ever touched.  It is unclear how any Muslim can objectively pass laws that would be consented to by Queen Elizabeth II, or her vice-regal.

While the chances of Adam Pham being elected are slim and none, our country is in great danger from foreign actors!  You might not recognize it in 10-20 years from now.  Our free way of life is in grave danger. 


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Arif Virani part of the Liberano club of criminals and compulsive liars

Your incumbent Liberano candidate, Arif Virani is part of the exclusive club of criminals.  Listen to this speech by Justin Trudeau admitting to bribing the mainstream media $600 million to fool you into voting for the criminal agenda of the Liebral Party of Canada.  Question yourself what lies they're selling you in this upcoming election, before you commit to vote.

Justin Trudeau bribes the mainstream media with your tax dollars
(We had something else linked to on You Tube, but they probably censored it, so watch this one instead)


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Who's the People's Party of Canada #PPC candidate In Parkdale-High Park?

Peoples Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier speaking
to a packed crowd at Shoxs, The Local Option May 2, 2019.

We haven't figured out who the Maxime Bernier People's Party of Canada candidate is for Parkdale-High Park (not sure if the #PPC appointed or held a fair and open nomination meeting), but when we do we will let you know who he is so you can can register your vote for Canada on election day.

If you are wondering about the venue where the Maxime Bernier meet and greet was held at:

Yes, this bar owner supported Faith Goldy in the last election.  No, she is not a white nationalist or neo-Nazi, despite what the liberal media and far left bloggers are telling you.
Yes, this is the bar where a couple yellow vest guys from Ottawa asked Maxime Bernier some questions.
Yes, this is the bar owner who ran for city council against the incumbent Gord Perks.
Yes, this bar owner helped turn The Junction from dry to wet.
Yes, this bar owner is voting for the local #PPC candidate, Greg Wycliffe.

No Leslie Marshall (@WestsideTory), you are not welcome here.

UPDATE August 5, 2019 - The People's Party of Canada has appointed Greg Wycliffe as the nominee for the party, without much fanfare or the courtesy of an email to the local membership.  Wycliffe is a former radio announcer for various Evanov Radio stations in the GTA and is currently employed as a marketing director at an upstart media company.

UPDATE September 29, 2019 - Sorry leftist hipsters, we have news for you!  The boycott of this establishment in the Junction isn't working.  Every frigging night we seem to hold an event in the billiards space downstairs, we end up noticing how busy the upstairs bar is.  So they don't need your business but will take your hipster drink order anyway.

Chúng tôi chưa tìm ra ứng cử viên của Đảng Nhân dân Maxime Bernier của Canada là ai cho Parkdale-High Park (không chắc liệu #PPC có chỉ định hoặc tổ chức một cuộc họp đề cử công bằng và cởi mở hay không), nhưng khi chúng tôi làm, chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn biết anh ấy là để bạn có thể đăng ký phiếu bầu của mình cho Canada vào ngày bầu cử.

Nếu bạn đang thắc mắc về địa điểm tổ chức buổi gặp mặt và chào mừng Maxime Bernier tại:

Vâng, chủ quán bar này đã ủng hộ Faith Goldy trong cuộc bầu cử vừa qua. Không, cô ấy không phải là người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc da trắng hay tân Quốc xã, bất chấp những gì các phương tiện truyền thông tự do và các blogger cánh tả đang nói với bạn.
Vâng, đây là quán bar nơi một vài anh chàng mặc vest vàng đến từ Ottawa đã hỏi Maxime Bernier một số câu hỏi.
Vâng, đây là chủ quán bar, người đã tranh cử vào hội đồng thành phố chống lại Gord Perks đương nhiệm.
Vâng, chủ quán bar này đã giúp biến The Junction từ khô sang ướt.
Có, chủ sở hữu quán bar này đang bỏ phiếu cho ứng cử viên #PPC địa phương, Greg Wycliffe.

Không có Leslie Marshall (@WestsideTory), bạn không được chào đón ở đây.

CẬP NHẬT ngày 5 tháng 8 năm 2019 - Đảng Nhân dân Canada đã chỉ định Greg Wycliffe làm người được đề cử cho đảng mà không cần phô trương nhiều hoặc gửi email cho các thành viên địa phương. Wycliffe là cựu phát thanh viên của nhiều đài Evanov Radio trong GTA và hiện đang làm giám đốc tiếp thị tại một công ty truyền thông mới nổi.

CẬP NHẬT ngày 29 tháng 9 năm 2019 - Xin lỗi những người ủng hộ cánh tả, chúng tôi có tin tức cho bạn! Việc tẩy chay cơ sở này ở Junction không hoạt động. Mỗi đêm náo nhiệt, chúng tôi dường như tổ chức một sự kiện trong không gian bida ở tầng dưới, cuối cùng chúng tôi nhận thấy quầy bar ở tầng trên bận rộn như thế nào. Vì vậy, họ không cần công việc kinh doanh của bạn nhưng vẫn sẽ nhận đơn hàng đồ uống sành điệu của bạn.


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

(Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc Communist ties confirmed - (Adam) Phạm, Tống Ngọc Cộng sản Ties khẳng định

Happy May Day to Adam Pham!  May 1st, the Communist equivalent of Labour Day, a holiday recognized in support of organized labour in North America is celebrated the first weekend in September.

(Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc speaking at 2018 nomination meeting,
receives best wishes from his Communist mother Mau Hau from back home in Vietnam

Screenshots show the Facebook picture posted by his wife Lan Pham, that depicted (Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc speaking at the podium during the 2018 provincial nomination meeting.  The popular blog Adam Pham Toronto blog: The True Story of a Deceived Campaigner that broke this story had indicated Pham's links to the Vietnamese Communist Party, the connection being his mother, a well decorated Communist soldier.  The like still appears, the profile picture of Mau Hau has since changed, but clearly indicates her support and admiration of her son securing the Parkdale-High Park nomination for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.  It had previously showed Pham's mother, a purse clutching lady in front of a small pond wearing a green Communist uniform, well decorated in medals of state honour.

Having a parent involved in a political movement might not be the smoking gun, but appearing in photos at state sanctioned events can't easily be talked out of for Pham.

(Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc poses at Vietnamese event

It isn't hard to find further evidence of Pham's support of the Vietnamese Communist party, it is left in plain sight for those interested in researching the truth.  Pham's handlers never thought anyone would bother to look.  Obvious that Pham comes from Communist state privilege, not the poor refugee boat people the Conservatives would have you believe.

Mau Hau, decorated Communist soldier and mother of (Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc

Mau Hau, decorated Communist soldier and mother of (Adam) Pham, Cuong Ngoc


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.