Monday, April 22, 2019

Maple Leafs Update: Toronto loses to Boston Bruins Game 7

Islamic Relief World Wide: A Muslim Brotherhood Fundraising Front
Tổ chức cứu trợ Hồi giáo trên toàn thế giới: Fron gây quỹ của Tổ chức Anh em Hồi giáo
For a brief moment, we focus on someone other than the nominated candidate for the Conservatives in Parkdale-High Park, Adam Pham.

The Maple Leafs suck by the way (as they always seem to choke in favour of the golf course), with our favourite token Muslim on the team.

Nazem Khadri didn't want to miss the Ramadan Fast and probably didn't want to face Boston Strong's own Bruins in the next round anyway, so the fight was an easy way to kneel out the remainder of the season.  Toronto should trade this mother-f#>!er panty waste of a token player.

As long as Nazem Khadri plays for the Maple Leafs, Toronto will never see a cup.  $4.1 million wasted on political correctness.  Imagine how much more it would cost if the government got involved in paying Kadri's salary!  How about another $10.5 million?

Now that the season is over, Nazem Kadri can hit the links and keep pushing the Islamic agenda on Toronto.

Trong một khoảnh khắc ngắn, chúng tôi tập trung vào một người khác ngoài ứng cử viên được đề cử cho Đảng Bảo thủ ở Parkdale-High Park, Adam Phạm.

Đội Maple Leafs khá hấp dẫn (vì họ dường như luôn bị nghẹt thở khi ủng hộ sân gôn), với token Muslim yêu thích của chúng tôi trong đội.

Nazem Khadri không muốn bỏ lỡ Ramadan Fast và có lẽ không muốn đối mặt với Bruins của Boston Strong ở vòng tiếp theo, vì vậy cuộc chiến là một cách dễ dàng để loại bỏ phần còn lại của mùa giải. Toronto nên giao dịch cái mẹ-f #>! Er ngớ ngẩn của một người chơi mã thông báo.

Chừng nào Nazem Khadri còn chơi cho Maple Leafs, Toronto sẽ không bao giờ có được cúp. 4,1 triệu đô la bị lãng phí cho sự đúng đắn về chính trị. Hãy tưởng tượng sẽ tốn kém hơn bao nhiêu nếu chính phủ tham gia trả lương cho Kadri! Còn 10,5 triệu đô la nữa thì sao?

Bây giờ mùa giải đã kết thúc, Nazem Kadri có thể đạt được các liên kết và tiếp tục thúc đẩy chương trình nghị sự Hồi giáo ở Toronto.


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Andrew Scheer: Compliant With The Islamic Agenda

Some sharia thugs Andrew Scheer promised to give away our freedoms to

Andrew Scheer's tour staff should vet their photo ops a little better.   Seen recently with Toronto Imams, including Omar Subedar who is an expert on training men Islamic strategies for beating your wife.

Most Conservative would not be seen dead with these people, which makes us question Scheer's principles.

Nhân viên du lịch của Andrew Scheer nên kiểm tra ảnh của họ tốt hơn một chút. Gần đây đã gặp Imams Toronto, trong đó có Omar Subedar, một chuyên gia về huấn luyện đàn ông các chiến lược Hồi giáo để đánh vợ bạn.

Hầu hết những người Bảo thủ sẽ không bị coi là đã chết với những người này, điều này khiến chúng ta đặt câu hỏi về các nguyên tắc của Scheer.


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The illusion of Islamic charities helping Canada

Nazem Kadri Foundation linked to terrorist front Islamic Relief Worldwide

For a brief moment, we focus on someone other than the nominated candidate for the Conservatives in Parkdale-High Park, Adam Pham.

It seems never ending that Nazem Kadri, has to associate himself in some way in the media as the token Muslim on the team.  The flavour of the week when it comes to so called charity foundations.  Often Kadri funnels money to Islamic charity by holding golf tournaments in support of Islamic Relief [Worldwide's] Canada chapter. 

According to the Gatestone Institute, the parent charity IRW's accounts show that it has partnered with a number of organizations linked to terrorism and that some of charity's trustees are personally affiliated with extreme Islamist groups that have connections to terror.  The large number of links between Islamic Relief Worldwide and extremist terror groups suggests that buried beneath the cover of a charity lies a structured pro-terror group with an anti-Western agenda.  It was enough for HSBC to close bank accounts.

In 2006, the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs designated IRW itself a terrorist front, and claimed that it was funding Hamas militants.  It isn't uncommon to spot our Prime Minister sporting their own halal brand of socks or supporting this terrorist front with his friend Mohammed Fakih, of Paramount Fine Foods fame.  Rarely do you hear the same outcry for those affected by domestic Islamic terror events that have plagued Canada since the mid 2010's.

In 2014, IRW Canada claimed in a Financial Post article that it had withdrawn funds for projects in the West Bank. It would not speak directly to the matter of the parent charity.  In a statement, Israel's Shin Bet security agency said it was not possible to respond to IRW's announcement "without an in-depth examination of [the audit's] findings, its scope or who it was carried out by". It said the Israeli government's decision to declare IRW illegal was "based on information that has been accumulated over years, that the fund is a central player in financing of Hamas... [and] on accumulated knowledge and experience in fighting terror and financing of terror organizations".

IRW Canada's political involvement
calls for revoking this charity's status
More disturbingly in 2017, the National Post was pressured to take down a comprehensive ten year review of IRW at the request of an Islamic linked special interest group.  The writer of the article was calling for The Daily Show's Trevor Noah to boycott the Islamic event because of controversial statements made by another invitee, of a Texas-based imam with extremist views.

It isn't clear who exactly requested this online change, or why the Postmedia organization would be so willing to comply.  There must have been a heated call to someone, or series of calls between a sleaze Islamic lawyer and one of his friends at another law firm.  Hope this individual has pictures and phone records of the harassment.  There's a definite white washing of an invited guest's repugnant views and links to terrorism, which would put IRW under further scrutiny of the Canada Revenue Agency.  Under a different government, their charity status could be further reviewed and find itself deregistered.

Use your constitutional rights to free speech in Canada, question our Prime Minister and his relations to an alleged ISI backed Islamist, get sued for $2.5 million.  Kill, and blind another United States military serviceman, repatriate from Gitmo and immediately settle and pay $10.5 million.

Welcome to Canada, of course we will change for you.

Halal socks for Islamic Relief?


Editor's Note: This blog is not affiliated in any way with the local Parkdale-High Park Conservative Party of Canada campaign of Adam Pham and Andrew Scheer, or the People's Party of Canada campaign of Greg Wycliffe and Maxime Bernier.